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Home Learning
Autumn 1
Year 2 Autumn 1 Maths Home Learning
Maths Week 1&2-Telling The TimeMaths - Week 1& 2-Telling the time Answers
Maths Week 3 - Place ValueMaths Week 3 - Place Value AnswersMaths Week 4 - ComparingMaths Week 4 - Comparing AnswersMaths Week 5 - Number BondsMaths Week 5 - Number Bonds AnswersMaths Week 6 - Bridging 10 with single digit numbersMaths Week 6 - Bridging 10 with single digit numbers AnswersMaths Week 7 - Balancing EquationsMaths Week 7 - Balancing Equations Answers
Year 2 Autumn 1 Topic Home Learning
Topic - Common Exception Word MatTopic - Tricky Word MatTopic - Phonics SupportTopic - Writing Tasks Y2 Autumn 1
Rights Respecting Home Learning Rights Respecting Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Year 2 Autumn 2 Maths Home LearningMaths 1: one more and one less, 10 more and lessMaths 1 Answers: one more and less, 10 more and lessMaths 2: Number Bonds to 100Maths Answers 2: Number Bonds to 100Maths 3: Addition PartitioningMaths Answers 3: Addition Partitioning AnswersMaths 4: Subtraction PartitioningMaths Answers 4: Subtraction Partitioning AnswersMaths 5: Missing NumbersMaths Answers 5: Missing Numbers Maths 6: MultiplicationMaths 6: Multiplication AnswersMaths 7: MultiplicationMaths 7: Multiplication AnswersYear 2 Autumn 2 Topic Home LearningYear 2 Common Exception WordsWriting Tasks Year 2 Autumn 2Spelling Activity 1Spelling Activity 2Spelling Activity 3
Spring 1
Spring 2
Home-Learning-Rights-Respecting-Spring-2-1.pdfSpring-2-Maths-Home-Learning-1.pdfWeek-1-Fractions.pdfWeek-2-Position-and-Direction.pdfWeek-3-Length-and-Height.pdfWeek-4-Capacity-Temperature.pdfWeek-4-Capacity-Temperature-answers.pdfWeek-5-Measurement.pdfWeek-6-2D-shapes.pdfWeek-6-2D-shapes-answers.pdfYear-2-Arithmetic-Spring-2019.pdfYear-2-Mark-Scheme-Arithmetic.pdfYear-2-Mark-Scheme-Reasoning-and-Problem-Solving.pdfYear-2-Reasoning-Spring-2019.pdfTopic Home LearningYear-2-Spring-2-Topic-Home-Learning.pdfTopic-Reading-Comprehension.pdfTopic-Spelling-Activity-1.pdfTopic-Spelling-Activity-2.pdfTopic-Writing-Tasks.pdfY2-Editing-Package-Capital-Letters-Prove-me-Wrong.-Task-1-2.pdfYear-2-Common-Exception-Words-1.pdfY2-Editing-Package-Full-stops-Prove-me-Wrong.-Task-1.pdf